Who wins in NVA?
Announcing a WIN-WIN for both families and NVA

Lifetime Discount Cards
3-Day Black Friday Sale that will only happen ONCE
(Starts Friday November 27 --ends Sunday, November 29)
Over the past 6 months, the over-whelming feedback provided by the families we serve regarding how NVA has pivoted during the pandemic has been, “You guys have knocked it out of the park!” And as much as we typically don’t like tooting our own horn … we feel we have.
No matter what new daily guidelines or restrictions were thrown at us … we found a solution and a way to keep children physically and mentally happy and offer the type of programs families have grown to know and love. And - without compromising the “NVA values” folks have become accustomed to over the past 25 years.
What do you do when …
you can’t play normal 9-man baseball because contact, numbers and guidelines by the governor restrict play?
Answer: Play 5-on-5 baseball with no outfield and special ground rules to league play games. NVA had 20 baseball teams this summer while other programs did not run a program.
or when the local college that has provided a home for your summer camp the past 15 years shuts down?
Answer: Bring the NVA summer camp to families - in 2020 we set up as many as 15 small groups each week around Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, utilizing family residences as safe-houses and using the local parks, ravines, bike paths, forest preserves, lakes, and ponds to provide a fun-filled day for children. NVA served 275+ children this past summer.
or when indoor basketball play is deemed “not safe”in the Fall?
Answer: Build your own outdoor court and play outside. NVA had 150+ combined participants in our Fall basketball & baseball leagues.

NVA is HERE TO STAY - for years to come.
It’s why our mantra this Summer was
“THE NEXT DANCE - In NVA there is NO LAST Dance”
(playing off the popular 10-part documentary series of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls famous last run at an NBA title).
That said, our next hurdle for the approaching winter is a much more difficult one. This will be the first winter in 25 years that NVA will be SHUT DOWN with ZERO revenue this entire winter.
So how can you help NVA weather the storm this winter and ensure when this mess is all over in the Spring that programs are still as strong as ever?
We think we’ve got a pretty creative solution that provides a benefit to both families and NVA. Listed below is an offer for you to potentially save a CONSIDERABLE amount of money for future NVA programs… (and help ensure we will “weather the storm” this winter).
We are excited to announce a sale for the
NVA LIFETIME LOYALTY DISCOUNT CARD - a separate card for each child in your family that will provide a discount for EVERY NVA program he/she participates in during the lifetime of their involvement in NVA.
Here’s how it works.
There are three levels of cards:
Purchase the individual card that makes the most sense for each child in your family. Then, whenever that child is signed up for the NVA league, camp, or even private lessons, you’ll receive that discount for the lifetime of that child. This discount is ON TOP of any other discounts available. So if you are signing up for baseball and select/pay the 5% early bird savings, you will receive an ADDITIONAL 5%, 10% OR 20% DISCOUNT.
You can buy the same level card for each child in your family or mix & match levels that makes the most financial sense.
And of course - if your heart and intentions are to simply help support NVA - purchase any card at any value.
A wonderful way to support NVA and provide a consistent 5% discount for NVA programs. If you have a child that is in the 4th grade (or older) who is one to two years from aging out of NVA leagues … this might be the economically best choice for that child.
A great value for any child who will be with NVA the next 2 to 4 years in our leagues OR plans to spend 3 to 5 weeks of camp with us. By the second year - the card will pay for itself and could be worth hundreds of dollars savings annually.
The best option if you’ve got either an older child who spends 5+ weeks of camp with us OR a younger child (3rd grade or younger) who could be with NVA over the next 4 to 6 years. Over the long-haul … this option could potentially save literally thousands of dollars over your child’s lifetime involvement in NVA.

Child (year 1) 4 weeks of summer camp @ $435/week = $1740 = ($174 savings)
Spring Baseball or Field Hockey @ $360 ($36 savings)
Fall Baseball or Basketball $250 ($25 savings)
Winter Basketball @ $360 ($36 savings)
In the above example you’ll enjoy nearly a $300 annual savings next year and by the end of the 2nd year your $500 card investment pays for itself. You’d then save $200 to $300 per year for that child for every year after for the the lifetime of their involvement in NVA.
If you are a family with younger kids coming down the pipeline, not only are the WHITE and GOLD cards a benefit … but the BLACK card could potentially save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your child’s participation in NVA.
Do children need to be CURRENTLY involved in an NVA league or camp to partake in this offer?
NO - You can buy a lifetime discount card for ANY child. So if you want to invest for future savings with young children who are as young as one to four years of age … feel free.
What age do children typically “age-out” of NVA?
It depends on the program. Most of our leagues (baseball, soccer, basketball) end by 5th grade. That said, we’ve had years where we’ve had a grouping of kids who started with us and didn’t want to leave our program - so we had a middle school basketball league in 2018 and a girls field hockey Spring league for 6th graders. Our Summer camp has had a middle school age grouping for the past 12 years …
Can the discount card be used in conjunction with other NVA sales or discounts?
YES. If you take advantage of the normal early bird 5% payment in full savings offer, and you purchase a WHITE (5%), GOLD (10%) or BLACK (20%) discount card … your total savings grows to 10%, 15% or 25% when you sign up early and pay in full.
Can you purchase different discount cards for different children in the same family?
Yes. If you’ve got three children, you could purchase a BLACK card for child 1, a GOLD card for child 2 and a WHITE card for child 3.
If you have multiple children and are looking at this offer strictly from a financial standpoint, it probably makes sense to think about how old your children are and how active they might be with NVA over the next few years. If your child is a two-sport or three-sport NVA athlete and participates in three to four+ weeks of camp … the best long term value is the BLACK CARD. Though it’s the most expensive, it would save you thousands of dollars in the long run and is the best long term investment. If you think your child might be a one-sport NVA athlete and will participate in a couple weeks of summer camp for the next few years … the WHITE card might make more sense.